Language (poems)

Poems and songs.

5½ x 8½ in., 97 pages, some music. 1987. ISBN 978-0-934546-17-1.

Love is like two seas
The lighted center wanders
It would be paradise (thinks the slave in the hold)
Begin to tell
Arrow poem
Shabib al-Haruri: He shouted with a crash
Poem describing . . .
A Dream of Other Women
The broad moon sprang from the Clent Hills
Bird at baby’s window
The King of Archenfield
Wayn ardo
The creation of the colors
The directed faces of beings
After For Years Defying
Cornelius Fischer’s Dream
The best of all women
Rather Charming
Bacchis and Plango
More Surprised Than Pleased (Spitting Song)
God, City, Bomb
As the tin nose swings
Adventuress sailed out
Jerusalem 1963
Ascending bird
Slim trumpets
O sun submit
There is lawful war and unlawful war
That any given species
Know your enemy
Beneficent Kingdoms
Folk think fern Has no flower
Is jade
Abu Nuwaas
Ghazal in a Genderless Language
The Red One, the White One
Carolina Genesis
Aerial view of Florida
The pine that is very far
Here is a hook, hollow, transparent
I being the mind of the Visigoths
Ye Germanoids
West Coast 1966
Titus Lucius Computius
The Alleys Where The
The Fiftieth Footfall
Topanga Canyon
The current as she comes to me
The Old Man With Green Teeth
Foucquet soliloquy
The Ballad of the Bag of Winds
A man swims on top of an ocean
Rain lifted, sun glanced under
Why No One Can Define Humor—1
Why No One Can Define Humor—2
The Extinction
In a dark room of many sleepers
Night, rain, riding
Climbing the wind
I am outargued by the clock
So we refuse their monolaw
The Hours’ Top Stories
I once was father of a race
Washed beach
Oh rising road that free I strode
Woman fleshy woman
To puns
I Knew a Cat Called
Sansovino’s Apollo
Lola Miranda in the Sacromonte
Water and the Spirit
To the cold, the burning cold
Sang down the highway
Edges of the world
Istrian Bones
Built is the poem; now no block of vowel
Lackland Guines