Astronomical miscellany

The Astronomical Calendar was published as a printed book for the years 1974 to 2016. It resumed publication for 2023. For the intervening years there are these more limited documents:

Astronomical Calendar 2017
Astronomical Calendar 2018
Astronomical Calendar 2019
Astronomical Calendar 2020
Astronomical Calendar 2021
Astronomical Calendar 2022 (a fuller e-book)

Here areĀ  some expanded pages about special topics:

Seasons: the equinoxes and solstices
Latest and earliest sunrise and sunset
The Sun entering signs and constellations
The equation of time
Clock shifting times, with a vigorous argument against this unnatural rule!
Easters and other rambling holidays
Friday the 13th
Heliacal risings and settings
The Mars cycle
Conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn
The Tunguska event
Halley meteors