Moon and migrants in the cold north

The Moon is northernmost in the year, today at Universal Time (11 PM in Britain, 5 or more hours earlier in North America). Its declination is 26.34°, nearly 3 degrees north of the northern arch of the ecliptic. It is gliding along the northern boundary of constellation Gemini (and from far south on Earth would appear just inside Auriga), as shown in our Zodiac Wavy Chart poster for this year:

(Zodiac Wavy Chart for 2022 is now available.)


Water cannon

I remain angry at the treatment of thousands of refugees by three countries, Belarus, Poland, and Britain. These suffering men, women (some of them pregnant), and children (some of them only months old) have been lured by Belarus from down south in the Middle East to well north in wintry Europe, where for as much as seven weeks they have had to sleep on the freezing ground in a forest, sheltered only by tents they could make out of branches, while Poland kept them out with barbed wire, tear gas, and – can you believe it? – water cannon. At least 13 have died. Britain has intervened – to rescue the refugees, sending humanitarian aid?  No: by sending troops to help Poland “strengthen its border,” that is, break international law, under which refugees have the right to apply for asylum in any country they can reach.

It’s all a political game, by Belarus to spite the EU for its sanctions against the illegitimate and brutal dictator, by Poland and Britain to spite the EU for other selfish reasons. What matters is that people are suffering. Belarus under pressure is now pulling back some of the regugees, keeping them in warehouse before sending them back to the countries where their lives are in danger. All should instead be welcomed into Europe.

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14 thoughts on “Moon and migrants in the cold north”

  1. Poland is a nation that understands, more than most the consequences of NOT guarding its sovereignty. Those of us resident in North America and WESTERN Europe are not in a position to toss brickbats at Poland. While Poland is a Western Nation by culture, history and religion, it is physically located in the East. Like Israel, it lives in a bad neigborhood. Just so it is clear, I do lnow what I am talking about. My undergraduate degree is in Political Science with a minor in History and a second degree in Russian with a minor in Polish. (alas, my study of the languages was problematical—but the history and culture makes for a sobering re-appraisal of one’s “Western” attitudes. “Polska Gura!”.
    PS—Poland gets way too much bad press in the West from journalistic google warriors, let us remember it is the homeland of Copernicus and Hevelius (Kopernigk and Heweliusz).

    1. Poland would face a threat to national sovereignty if these cold hungry refugees were arriving in panzers or Soviet T-34’s.

      There is plenty of blame to go around — Belarus is using these poor people as pawns, the rest of the EU refuses to admit their fair share of refugees, the US sets a shameful example on our own southern border. None of these other factors excuse the Polish government from its duty under international law to respect and protect the human rights of people arriving at the border claiming asylum.

      Many Polish citizens are bravely trying to welcome and care for the refugees. They know what they’re talking about, too.

      1. P.S. Let’s add Frederic Chopin to the list of Polish national heroes!

        1. Chopin certainly does, I confined my examples to astronomers, and inadvertently left out Alexander Wolszcan.
          Kordelewski also comes to mind.
          Outside of Astronomy we would include the aforementioned Chopin
          Moniuszko (Opera Composer)
          Sklodowska-Curie (Physicist)
          Paderewski (Conductor—and Statesman)
          Naturowicz (First Presdent of the restored Polish Republic)
          Walesa (Labor Labor leader, later President)
          Kosciuszko (Soldier, Statesman, Brigadier General Continental Army, Hero of two Continents)
          Zanussi (Film Director)
          —and a slew of others.

          I actually have no problems with Polish citizens aiding the refugees, but the effectively unorganized mass movement of people is problematical for any country receiving them. Such ,mass movements are a great cover for people whose intent is much more sinister than merely wishing to relocate.

          You mentioned the US southern border, the situation there is different than Poland’s for any number of reasons.
          I am actually in favor of INCREASING the immigration quotas assigned to Mexico and the Central American Nations based on their propinquity to the USA and their economic ties to us—but at the same time, again mass disordered movements of people across our border who are not vetted are not in our interest—and not in the interest of the people themselves. One example is the number of them murdered by “coyotes” who steal their money and rape them, or leave them in the remotest wildest places in the Southwest, By not enforcing our own laws we are complicit in this toll on human life. As for Poland, wate3r cannon are a bit extreme, but perhaps by the reinforcement of their border perhaps they and the British may be preventing a greater future evil. Like large numbers of people from warm climate being lured to Belarus in future by Belarussian “coyotes”.

          1. Paderewski was also an accomplished composer, and for a time he raised grapes and made wine here in California! What did he not do?

            You and I both want people to be able to move from one country to another in a safe and orderly manner. I think it’s easier to care for people’s basic needs and make sure that they don’t pose a threat if we accept that people will migrate across national borders and plan accordingly, rather than trying to stop them en masse. If you build a dam across a raging river, when the dam bursts you’re going to get wet. The bigger the dam, the greater the eventual inundation. It’s better to learn to live with the river. And, setting the metaphor aside and remembering that we’re dealing with human beings, more humane. It’s interesting to me that many people who identify themselves as conservatives want capital and goods to move freely around the world, but they want to keep human beings stuck within whichever national borders they happened to be born in.

          2. Thanks for the exchange of ideas. Yes, I do not mind at all the ability of people to pull up stakes and go elsewhere. but that does need to be an ordered process. Specifically those seeking asylum may not be able to use conventional means of getting where they need to be, but not everyone is an asylum seeker.. Gaming of the system by others actually makes it difficult for people in bona fide danger to use the existing laws to get here. Alas, we wash up on the shoals of human nature. In closing I will say that that sometimes what seems compassionate may turn out to harm teh very people one seeks to assist.
            In any event, this is all something to think about. Glad you and Guy Ottewell do seem to have open minds on these questions as evidenced by keeping these comments here and discussing them !

          3. Thank you Enrico. It has been a pleasure to have a civil conversation about an important issue.

  2. Thank you Guy for your compassion for these suffering refugees. There is plenty of shame to go around. Those of us who slept in a warm bed last night should consider our blessings and open our hearts and our borders.

    The Moon has been extraordinarily high in the sky! Do you happen to know when she will reach her maximum possible northerly declination? Does that happen once every saros?

  3. Congrats on finishing your Wavy Chart. Your publications and posts lead me to a greater understanding and appreciation of the wonders of astronomy!!!
    Thanks for all your efforts.

  4. Too cold for them, then why plod north? Could have stayed put, or gone south where it’s warm and comfy.

  5. You do realize that this is an entirely manufactured crisis, designed by Putin to make the EU look bad. The refugees are flown to Minsk by countries that are hostile to the West then driven to the border by Byelorussian troops. Any of thise countries could give these people asylum but don’t.

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