How about an Astronomy FAQ?

It occurred to me (on seeing someone else’s FAQ about “generative AI”) that we could crowd-create one. You could send me an idea for a question – such as “What the hell is right ascension?” – by clicking here.

And you could also, if you wish, advise on where to put this growing FAQ, so as to make it conveniently findable. Such as, another item in the menu at the top of this website, along with “Astronomical miscellany” etc.? Or as another link in the “Astronomical miscellany” page? Or as another link in the “Other paths” page?


Wry comments department

Documents have revealed that the British government plans to arrest and deport 3,163 asylum seekers each month, from January onward.

Said Wang Mahometovich Putinko, wanted for reckless exposure in Spitzbergen: “I voss lucky, I voss February’s number 3,164. Zo I get to stay in Canterbury and keep robbing banks and cathedrals and corroding English grammar.”



This weblog maintains its right to be about astronomy or anything under the sun.


One thought on “How about an Astronomy FAQ?”

  1. Back in the old days of usenet news groups, there were sci.astro,* FAQs. I learned a lot from those. They appear to be archived here: though i don’t see the sci.astro.amateur FAQs there.

    Anyway, these might be useful still, or they may be horribly dated.


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